If you are experiencing any issues getting into your account, please shop as a guest for now and we will keep you updated as we work through any issues. Any orders that you put through will be linked to your account.
Our tech team is working very hard to securely migrate almost 27 years of data into our new cloud platform and we are sorry for the inconvenience that you may be experiencing at present.
Recent service status updates are as follows:
29/10/2019 Hotmail and Live servers may be rejecting password reset issues. We are continuing to work on this problem.
29/10/2019 We have identified an issue where some users receive a Shopify Multi-pass error message when trying to reset their passwords.
A fix for this is being put together and will be deployed tonight.
28/10/2019 An issue where some accounts were receiving an initialising error when resetting passwords. This has been rectified.