Profile: Guatemala Finca La Hermosa

Anna Kerwick @ 2019-08-26 17:52:09 +1000

Origin: Guatemala

Region: Acatenango

Estate: Finca La Hermosa

Process: Washed

Altitude: 1950 – 2150m

Varietal: Bourbon, Catimor, Pache

This Bean of the Month coffee comes from Finca La Hermosa in the Acatenango region of Guatemala, which is managed by third generation Guatemalan coffee farmer Max Perez.

The coffee is notable for its creamy body, chocolate aroma and sweet orange flavour.

The 180 hectare plantation is grown under the shade of grevillea trees and is fuelled by the volcanic dust from Volcan de Fuego which keeps the sandy soils constantly renewed with rich minerals.

This coffee has won numerous international awards for coffee including taking out 12th place in the 2012/13 Cup of Excellence.