Brew guide: Hario V60

Shopify API @ 2019-08-26 10:51:26 +1000

Simply designed, the Hario V60 is ideal for preparing a quick and simple coffee for one without the fuss!

Video guide:


  • Hario V60 drip cone
  • Hario V60 filter papers
  • Kettle
  • 14 – 17g fresh ground coffee.

Step 1
Fold the filter along the seam and fit it to the cone.

Step 2
Rinse the filter paper and heat the glass by pouring hot water through the filter, into the glass. Discard the hot water, being careful not to lose the filter paper.

Step 3
Pour the ground coffee into the V60. Your aim is to have the grounds sitting level in the filter cone.

Step 4
Gently pour hot water onto the coffee grounds. Using a circular motion, wind out from the centre until all of the grounds are saturated.

Step 5
You should notice a ‘bloom’- this is when the wet coffee puffs up into a golden-brown dome. Leave the coffee to bloom for 30 seconds.

Step 6
Recommence pouring, using the same circular motion. Try not to pour directly down the sides of the filter. Pause to let the coffee come through. It will begin to filter through the glass in steady, consistent drops. Repeat the process of gently pouring, then waiting.

Step 7
Stop once the colour of the coffee dripping from the cone has become pale, or you have enough brew for your taste. Remove the filter paper and Hario, and drink straight from your cup!

Remember, when making coffee at home:

  • Fresh is best when it comes to coffee – we recommend buying your coffee in smaller quantities, more frequently.
  • We custom-grind for all brewing methods – just tell our staff how you make your coffee at home, or select your brewing method when you order online.
  • Use filtered water where possible.
  • Water should always be hot but not boiling, as boiling water will burn the coffee grounds. Aim for 92°c.